Bass TutorComposerSession Clinician
Exams in preparation…….
A big congratulations to all of my student clientele who passed their Rockschool Bass Grade Performance Exams in Period C. Grade…
A big congratulations to my student who passed his Rockschool Bass Grade Performance Exam in Period B. Grade 2 |…
A big congratulations to my student who passed his Rockschool Bass Grade Performance Exam in Period A. Grade 1 |…
A big congratulations to all of my student clientele who passed their Rockschool Bass Grade Performance Exams in Periods B…
A big congratulations to all of my student clientele who passed their Rockschool Bass Grade Performance Exams in Period A. Grade…
PLEASE NOTE that there were no exams held in Period C due to the Plymouth exam centre not being available…
A big congratulations to all of my student clientele who passed their Rockschool Bass Grade Performance Exams in Period B. Grade…